Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WrestleMania XXVIII

CSW(Current State of Wrestling) WRESTLEMANIA XXVIII edition

Here is my plan, there are 10 days left until WRESTLEMANIA 28 So I’ll try to write about each match, as soon as they get completed. Ill give my opinions, and my predictions. This is wrestling so it shouldn’t be too difficult to predict rather correctly. If you want to know how we got here check out JTR's blog

Adventures in Existence

The Main Event-or at least what should be.

The Rock vs John Cena

The Most Electrifying Man in Sports and Entertainment vs John Cena

The Peoples Champ vs John Cena

Team Boots to Asses vs Team Cena?

I’m sensing a pattern here- I don’t know any of Cena’s catchphrases and slogans.


Woo I got one.

Am I the only one who thinks they stole the VS screen from Mortal Kombat?

Anyway, this match has been announced since WrestleMania Last year. Cena and the Rock have been picking at each other, and making jabs and slurs at one another for a while. Countless promos, multiple 20 minute segments of my wrestling life I will never get back. And some genuinely entertaining ones too. Most of the feud moments have seen Rock throw around 8 year old catchphrases, make up some new ones, and Cena just react like all of us. “yay the Rock is here, when will he be gone again?” Their only reason for this match is to prove who is better (that is a reoccurring theme at this mania, all three Main Event matches to be exact, its kinda getting old.)

 I’m sure that hasn’t helped Cena, since he couldn’t really get involved with anything too long, or with someone who might be unreliable. I don’t remember what he did at the Rumble, and was he even at the Elimination chamber PPV? I know he fought Kane somewhere in there, but it seems like his whole character right now is the guy fighting the Rock., who just so happens to be John Cena. He has done raps, and interviews, and beaten Kane and Mark Henry in order rot prepare for the Rock. OK? Because those guys are in the same shape and wrestle the same as Rock? Whatever.  Cena has basically been protected like a fancy fragile egg in order to preserve this match. This is understandable, but dull. Cena is the most polarizing superstar ever, (lets go Cena/Cena Sucks) so much so that Cena and WWE had to address it. Once upon a time WWE could just let it slide, but really when half a crowd boos when he throws a punch, it’s hard to let that slide. It would be nice if we got to see heel Cena, one that dissed other wrestlers on his way down to the ring, and wasn’t half bad. But kids and their moms and sisters love him, its why Hogan didn’t go heel in WWF. There is too much money in a face Cena. Until whole stadiums boo him out the building, in multiple cities, then face Cena is here to stay, maybe. He is one of the few who made it to stardom on the level of Hogan, Rock and Austin. His name is synonymous with wrestling just like theirs is and was. Just try and ask someone who doesn’t watch who CM Punk is (the response will probably be “who?”) but John Cena, most people know him. He is better than people give him credit for, his character just doesn’t need to be flashy and have 1000 moves. If his 6 moves of doom work, then who cares. No one minded when Hogan did it. Granted if I had a time machine, Cena would be great in the late 80’s early 90’s when superfaces reigned supreme and it was ok, because wrestling had a mystique about it, it wasn’t a common belief that it was “fake.” Some people to this day don’t believe that the matches were staged, and that the Hulkster beat up that Iranian guy(the Iron Sheik) like any good American would do. But the times have changed, the mystique is gone, and people just don’t like Cena the same way. I like him because he is good for the business, and because Chris Jericho likes him and that’s good enough for me.

The Rock, is probably the biggest superstar to come out of wrestling. Hogan had his chance to be the movie star, he could have done it. He was gigantically popular in the 80’s and 90’s. He was on the cover of sports illustrated, a magazine that doesn’t usually cover a “fake” sport. He could have been in tons of cheesy “Commando” type action movies. And yet he is still not as famous as the Rock. The Rock, has actually made the Hollywood life for a wrestler work. He came from a nobody as Rocky Miavia to the Rock, to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. If Stone Cold had done the same amount of Movies, he might rival the Rock, but Austin got into the game too late, and besides he doesn’t have the same appeal. People are upset that the Rock only comes back to promote a movie, well duh. I wouldn’t stay around to get myself hurt if I didn’t have too. The more “good” movies the rock is in, the better chance that wrestlers will be respected outside of wrestling circles. The Rock brings in money, I don’t really know how much, but he brings it. Complain about buy-rates and blah blah blah, but people love the Rock. The only thing I see potentially wrong is that The Rock has been out of wrestling long enough, that most of the kids and teenagers and some adults, don’t remember the him, or don’t have clue who he is. They never got to see the Peoples eye brow, the belittlement of superstars or the Rock and Sock connection. I mean its been 8 years since he stopped being a full time guy, that’s 8 years of people not seeing him weekly, and more importantly that’s several million young kids who never got to see the Rock, past his random appearances at Wrestlemania. Now granted they got to see him as  the Scorpion King, and the tooth fairy but other than that… nothing. So as much as I like the Rock, his time of relevance is coming to an end. Its bit off, since dads and granddads and some college students remember “The Most Electrfying Man”. It’s kinda like me with Jake the snake, I can’t remember a single match he had. But I know I loved him as a kid.
My pick- The Rock, in some form or fashion. He needs a reason to return next year. WWE needs the Rock for a little while longer. Rock kinda needs WWE, while he isn’t doing an Acting gig.
Sorry Steve, but your just not Hollywood Pretty, please don't hurt me.

Cena needs this win, In order to be the best Heel in the company. A clean face win for Cena would be lame, and people will hate it. If he does turn, it will be the best time and place, in front of several thousand Miamians booing to till their lungs explode. This idea is Something every fan is drooling for, I think people like Cena, and they just think his character is stale(I agree), so maybe if they push hard enough it will happen. Miami will probably boo him out of the building as soon as his music hits. Cena is not Hogan, Cena is not Austin. Cena is a guy that people are ok with booing, and they are in one of Rock’s home towns. So hopefully I’m wrong, and big bad mean Cena will emerge and start a one man wrecking crew through RAW and Smackdown, the likes of which only a CM Punk or HHH or (sigh) Sheamus can stop. Forget rise above, the hate,Hate everybody.

Or there will be some lame debut of A-Train as Lord Tenzu or some crap like that, and WWE will keep Cena’s stale self around as long as possible.

Next up- the match everyone is unsure about
The Undertaker vs HHH Hell in a Cell with Shawn Michaels as special guest referee

Does anyone besides me think that's a bad picture of Taker?

This match basically built its self from last year. HHH beat the mess out of Taker, and yet Taker still won. Keeping the streak alive and making him 19-0 at Wrestlemania. Taker is going for match number 20. Because, he doesn’t feel like his victory was complete or something like that. HHH is basically fighting for pride, pride that he is better than his good buddy HBK. HBK is special ref, because I guess he just likes to be at Wrestlmania. Really, story wise I still am not sure why Shawn was declared the ref, only that he could be a very impartial one. I don’t know. But, this is HIAC, all they need him to do is see a submission or count a pin. There is no DQ, so basically HBK is just gonna hang out and watch his best friend fight the guy who ended his career.

HHH needs to win this match because he wants to prove to the world that he is better than Shawn, and that the only way to do that is to take down the streak. HHH really doesn’t need this feather in his cap, he has a friggin pimp hat of feathers up there. King of the ring, rumble wins, 8 time WWE champ, 5 time( 5 time, 5 time, 5 time) World Heavy weight champ, I think he has won each title in the company, and some that don’t exist anymore. He is a veteran of the attitude era, and one of the reasons why WWF[E] beat WCW in the Monday night wars. Part of one of the greatest groups ever in wrestling, Degeneration X. He married the boss’s daughter, one attractive Stephanie McMahon, and is getting set to take over once Vince decides to hang up the reigns and let him do it. Which by most reports it has already happened. HHH does do some in ring stuff in dark matches and house shows, so his in ring skills should be ok.
Where I stole this photo says they have children AWWW

Undertaker is the Veteran of WWE, I think the only person who has been with WWE longer is Vince McMahon, at least on camera. I’m probably wrong, sue me. Taker is the most respected guy in the back, he calls shots, and guys go to him when they want advise, or want to be sure whatever wrestling taboo is ok to do. (for those Bret Hart fans out there, Taker OK’d Montreal, so be mad at him too) Taker debuted in 1990, in the age of Hogan, and beat him within a year or so for the WWF title. For those who don’t know, Hogan was a wrestling god in the early 90’s and late 80’s. Taker has had three or four major character changes, but he has always been The Undertaker, whether he rode a motorcycle or had an army of druids. He is one of the most iconic wrestlers of all time. If it were not for other wrestlers being so darn charismatic and willing to act, Taker could very well be at Hogan or Rock level fame outside of WWE. Unfortunately, he hasn’t wrestled since this time last year, against HHH. So his ring rust, will probably be evident, and even if he were doing a show every day, he is in his upper 40’s and just isn’t as young as he once was.
Proof of this so called "pin" is hard to find 

As far as Hell in a Cell is concerned, these two guys have been in 18 of the 23 ever fought. So they know their way around the giant dog kennel (that’s what it actually was when it first debuted).This is listed as the end of an era. And it will be, I think we will see everything and the kitchen sink, both men will be bloody, using weapons galore. The only thing I don’t see is a high spot, neither man is young or dumb enough to do that right now, but HHH is all business so look out.

See the similarity
I think these two should have been in feuds with younger guys, I don’t know who, or how that could get set up. But I think HHH can make anybody look good when he needs to. He is all business in the ring. And Taker can make a name for someone, simply by being in a match with him.

My pick-Undertaker and the streak continues, 20-0. My guess is that Shawn will attempt to interfere and HHH wont let him, or HBK will attack HHH and taker will be disgusted. Or they could go the dull, no reason to have Shawn there way, and the match be legit. Or it could be the best turn ever, a handicap match for Taker against DX from bell to bell. Immense fight, several backup refs knocked out, you name it. And somehow Taker wins. If Taker loses this match to HHH, I think some people will boycott and watch TNA out of spite(terrible idea) Therefore WWE cant afford to let Taker lose. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.

Next up the third most important/well built match on the Card, and probably the one that will give us the best match at least wrestling wise.

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk(Champion) for the WWE Championship
The Best at what he does vs the best in the world

After months of teasing, these two are finally getting in the ring. I expect them to tear the house down with a great match, false finishes, brawling, high flying, submissions and on the edge of your seat action. If these two guys go out hung-over like purebred alcoholics (Jericho has done this before, read his books they are hilarious) (Punk doesn’t drink, so maybe um tired from Yoga?) they will put on a good match. If they are on top of their game it will be a match for the ages.

 I’ve watched some Punk matches and he is good, he puts on good matches at the same rate Hogan stinks up the ring but gets cheers out the Wazoo. He and Cena tore the house down at a show I didn’t watch, but I’ve been told it was excellent. Punk is the biggest active star on the roster behind, and probably surpassing Cena in some places. He gets cheers, and not the half and half thing the fans give Cena. Cena is the man for kids and women, Punk is the man for everybody. His music is catchy, man if he didn’t look like a goofy grunge rocker from the 90’s he might be bigger. But, guess what folks, those goofy grunge rockers of the 90’s and crazy Metal head from the 80’s are now older and can look at Punk and remember the good old days. Or at the very least look at him and say hey he has tattoos and a piercing and is a good guy. Punk has been on top for a while, and the fans love him. He is the face of RAW, since Cena has been dealing with Rock, and it’s a face fans like. If only HHH wasn’t slightly inactive, and getting older, him feuding with Punk would be great.

Jericho has been giving good matches for the past o say “his whole wrestling career”. Has he had bad ones? Yes, but he has brought the house down and provided great matches time in and time out. He probably gave Bill Goldberg the best match of his career, Hogan, Big Show, Kali, and many stellar matches with the Rock.(imagine if Jericho and Rock were going at it again) He has had 5 star matches with Shawn Michaels, Angle, HHH, and several others. So Jericho’s resume is pretty good. I did just get through reading Jericho’s book, and watching his DVD, so I might be a bit bias. Usually Jericho’s name means great match. It should this time again. Some people have a big problem with him jumping back and forth from his band to Wreslting, I don’t.(remember my bias, here it comes) Some people seem upset that wrestlers have lives outside of wrestling. I mean who wants to retire 80 times and wrestle while you’re in your 60’s in order to stay relevant and keep yourself busy.(cough cough Hogan, Flair, Funk(ok so that’s not nice, he might be retired)) Also, time off for wrestlers is a good thing, helps them recharge their batteries and whatnot. Granted Jericho is getting older(40 something), so I don’t honestly see him staying in the game for very long, maybe come back as a boss or something, but his in ring days are numbered, maybe in years who knows, I’m not a fortune teller, nor am I Chris Jericho. So get your fill while you can. Jericho is the best heel on RAW, possibly in the WWE. The problem is that so many people love him, fans cheer because they know Jericho is coming, they boo him when he tells them they suck, but you know if you’re a fan that when Jericho’s music hits something spectacular is about to happen.

The build for this match has been a bit wishy washy, I think WWE has spent all its time on bigger matches, and Jericho has been out and away for 2 weeks. Jericho didn’t win the Rumble, courtesy everyone saying he will, for Sheamus. Then he got knocked out and couldn’t continue in the Elimination Chamber, then in a really aggravating way got his shot in a mini-rumble(that match hurt a few guys and probably cost us Money in the Bank) on RAW. LAME! Jericho is being presented as kind of a wimp going in, which works because heels are not supposed to be the better wrestlers, just dirtier fighters. I don’t like it much, but knowing the psychology that works into the match, I’ll let it slide. Jericho’s promos talking about Punk’s family doesn’t really interest me, blah blah blah everyone’s family has problems. Punk could easily fire back with evidence of Jericho’s DUI in 2007(in case I didn’t mention it, I read his book) but no, we just get a continually frustrated Punk, who will probably snap in the match. But the promos had to get personal, the two of them calling each other names and claiming they were the best, just wasn’t going anywhere. Now granted, it’s pretty believable that Punk will want to kill Jericho when the match finally starts. So, while the build up has been kinda slow, lame, and not very entertaining, we get a feud that’s believable and easy to follow.

My pick- Jericho, Jericho Jericho.
Alright my realistic pick-CM Punk- Punk has looked weaker, week by week, and Jericho has given enough ammunition to make Punk explode. Also, I think Jericho is going to a couple of gigs (he said only two if twitter can be believed) after Mania, and I can’t see the champion being off TV for a couple of weeks. The Champ needs to be pretty visible, though I could be wrong, Jericho could be crowned with the belt and shoot promos throwing it in the face of the fans that he is so much better than them and that he doesn’t need to show up because it’s not worth his time. So I’m actually split on this match, anything could happen. But I don’t see Punk losing the belt. I could be wrong, and trust me, I won’t feel bad about it.

 Hopefully this will open Wrestlemania, get the crowd pumped up for the show, f they put it after Rock/Cena or HHH Taker, it will be diminished due to the crowd being worn out cheering for the Rock.

Next Up,Rhodes Show

Cody Rhodes vs The Big Show for the Often forgotten Intercontinental Title
I liked the segments leading up to this match, Cody Rhodes showing Big Show’s worst Wrestlmania Moments. It showcased how good Cody was at being a Heel. Which he really needs to establish a reasonable doubt for him to be able to fight and beat the Big Show. Record 3-8. 
Just for Grins and giggles, this is Show’s Wrestlmania History
1. Lost to Mankind XV, 
2. Lost a fatal 4 way to HHH, other guys Rock and Foley, XVI, 
3. Lost a triple threat hardcore match to Kane, or Raven, XVII, 
4. Lost with A train to Undertaker, because Nathan jones was terrible, XVIII or XIX idk, 
5. Lost to John Cena, XX
6. Lost to Aki Bono, XXI
7.  Won with Kane the Tag titles-XXII maybe?,
8. Lost to Floyd Maywheather XXIV, 
9. Lost triple threat to Cena 25, 
10. Won with MIZ, XXVI, 
11 Won a big tag match thing against the Core, XXVII
So technically Big Show is on a roll for winning at Mania
Um I guess this is a nice way to have the IC title defended and be relevant, instead of the US, Tag and Divas titles.

Show is able to put on good matches, unlike some other big men(cough cough Great Kali) and Rhodes will have his work cut out for him not to lose in 3 minutes. But he is small, and probably capable of winning. I havent actually seen a Cody Rhodes match, so Im not sure about his work in the ring.
My pick-Big Show, why? Because hopefully this will give Cody Rhodes a chance at bigger and better things, like a nice feud with a World or WWE champion. Maybe he will be the one to take it back to the eagle belt, or undisputed version, who knows.

Next in line, Smackdown's Biggest match-

Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan(Champion) for the World Heavyweight Championship
Well, after seeing both of these guys look like the complete opposite of how they should leading up to their match, I’m hoping that it will be good. Bryan is an excellent worker, he’s also pretty decent on the mike. With Bryan, its almost a guarantee it will be good, he is really good in the ring. Sheamus is also good at what he does, he is a big  brawler and he makes be belive he can put a whoopin on somebody. Unless WWE has abused their camera and editing abilities, Sheamus actually looks like a fan favorite. Which according to JTWGO they do. WWE is pushing him pretty heavily, I mean he did the Elimination Chamber opening, and he has a snazzy K-Mart commercial. 

I think this would have been much better had the whole thing been flipped, Sheamus the unstoppable heel, as opposed to his current unstoppable face.(yawn) And Bryan the plucky up and coming face who deserves a shot at the title. Bryan is a better technical guy than Sheamus, I can’t believe he will stand up to a real brawl. Which is how a face should be presented, as a better wrestler who isn’t a real match until his better skills shine through and he is victorious.  Also Bryan’s onscreen girlfriend is AJ, who is a pretty, but girl-next door pretty, a girl that could be actually approachable, unlike most of the Diva’s who are really pretty Barbie dolls. Except for Beth phoenix, sorry tangent. AJ would be a great manager/hanger on for a face like Bryan. 

Just look at her, she might not eat you for just talking to her 
But instead we get, mean boyfriend who looks weak against the other Champion CM Punk, and even weaker against his opponent, The almost unstoppable brawling good guy. Yay character development.

My pick- Sheamus-It doesn’t feel like Bryan is quite big enough of a star to hold the title. 

Imagine Kofi Kingston being WWE Champ, does he deserve it? Yes. But he just isn’t ready. 

Unfortunately, he is the best heel on Smackdown, which if he were face going into this he could 

be the biggest face on Smackdown, fighting the best heel. Which would give him enough 

momentum to look ready for it. But Im not paid to write this stuff, and if I was it would not be as 

good. Probably.

Next up a match that was uninteresting until Monday Night, for me anyway

Team Teddy vs Team Johnny “no money in the bank, so this is what you get” for control of Raw and Smackdown.

Team Teddy: Santino “I like him” Marella(Captain) Kofi “Doomed in the midcard” Kingston, R- “this is a good spot for him” Truth, Zach “Woo Woo, stupid guy who cant get over Eve, but really I don’t blame him” Ryder, The Great “who cares if he is awful in the ring” Kali, and Booker “This match finally got interesting” T.
Nope, I don't Blame Ryder at all

Team Johnny: David “probably the best heel besides Jericho on Raw” Otunga (Captain), Mark “he can look unstoppable one week, and then like a jobber the next” Henry, Dolph “needs to get rid of Vicky G” Ziggler, Jack “lame giant Kurt Angle knockoff” Swagger, The “well he had to eventually get into Maina” Miz, and Drew “Im sad he is not Christian, but this is a good replacement anyway” Mcintyre.

Well it’s a battle for who runs both Raw and Smackdown, I yawned at this every time this match was mentioned, showcased, and advertised. Teddy Long is fun, but a “good” boss doesn’t give a whole lot of opportunity for some good feuds with management.  Johhny Laurinatis, is probably the best Heel WWE has on Raw, besides Jericho and Otunga.

I must say giving each of these guys the desired match at Maina would make it a 6 hour show, and reduce the time to build Rock/Cena, Jericho/Punk, HHH/Undertaker, and Sheamus/Bryan. That’s where the money is at so these guys got stuck. Deal with it.

Each of the “Heel” guys in this match, maybe except for Mcintyre, deserve a spot on the card at Wrestlmania. Swagger and Ziggler are good heels, who being a team who are not a tag team are kinda lame and useless, but they are great in the ring. Mark Henry has been around a while, and is a good foe for any up and coming face. The Miz should have been in the hunt for the title, but I cant see him with Bryan, though it would  be a fun match to see, and he should be allowed to sniff Jericho/Punk. Miz is out simply because he doesn’t belong right now, after Mania look for him to make a run for one of those titles. Otunga, really doesn’t belong in a singles match right now, so this is a good fit. Mcintyre, well he is a good replacement for Christian, not quite his status, but a nice replacement.

The same can be said for the “Face” crowd. Marella is one of the best comedy characters WWE has ever had, and he can really work in the ring which is a plus. He tends to get huge fan reaction, I think his U.S. title match (pick one of the two) should have happened at Mania instead of on TV, but that’s just me. Kofi and Truth should be locked into a feud for the Tag belts with Primo and Epico, no ifs ands or buts, they mesh very well as a team and I hope they will continue. I also like seeing Rosa dance on the ring apron. Ryder should be locked in a dead on monster fight with Kane, with Eve turning on him in this match. However, Ryder’s name in the match gives it some more fan reaction and Im ok with it. The Great Kali is loved in India, and he is gigantic, however he is terrible in the ring, and American fans absolutely despise him. He gets Cheers, but those are more sympathy cheers I guess. This is a nice way to involve him, without making a two minute match for him to either squash someone, or be “surprisingly” beat. I saved the best for last…Booker T. WWE this was a great move, the fans and I love Booker, and the Spinaroony. Had it been Foley(a good maybe) or some other nameless face I wouldn’t have cared much. Booker is a great reason to watch this match. At least it is for me, sadly they will enter as a team and I wont see Booker T’s entrance.

This match will probably feature some of the best talent WWE has outside of the main events. Sadly this replaces the money in the bank. I don’t know how much time it will be given, but there are 12 men in it, so it cant be a short match.

My Pick: Team Johnny. why you ask? Well I just think WWE has more to gain from him winning. How this will affect the separate shows I don’t know, but I don’t see Teddy Long winning out. Maybe he can be a manager, or just kinda disappear, I don’t know. He would be a great manager for Truth and Kofi.

Next up another No Heat Match...

Kane vs Randy Orton

I Think this match will be good, maybe. Kane and Orton are great performers and both can protect each other, More importantly Kane can protect Orton like he did with Cena. One of my gripes gripe here is that this story just got thrown together. I realize that its hard to build anything big when you only have month to do so, but this should be easy, monster needs slaying. And that's where it sorta looks like it has gone. So I should  be happy that it isn't a pop-up match like a random encounter in an RPG... Anyway, Kane apparently hates Orton because he made him turn human, or something. Orton hates Kane because(I really don't think he knows) Kane attacked him. Yeah I think that's it.

My biggest gripe here isn't the story, the competitors or even the time given to build it. Its the fact that Orton is getting to many advantages against Kane. Kane looks very weak for a monster that needs slaying. He just lost to John Cena(Not a big deal Cena is the WWE Superman and a top star) But Orton attacks and fights Kane, and is able to fend him off, I mean Kane actually ran once or twice from him. Maybe Im a traditionalist, but a Monster should not be running too often. If Orton were someone else, this would not happen, but Orton isn't a pure good guy. Orton is a weird anti-villain, someone who can do bad things and get away with them because everyone loves him. (Now that sounds like a awesome comic book/movie story, JTR lets get that script going)

My pic to win- Randy Orton. i really don't see Kane winning here, its almost a done deal. Orton looks too strong going in against The Big Red Machine, and he isn't intimidated at all, therefore unless some funny business happen Orton and Kane should have a medium length match and be a nice filler between the matches people are more interested in. Or at least have been built better.

First Up, The Diva’s match.

Kelly Kelly and Maria Manouos vs WWE Diva’s Champion Beth Pheonix and Eve:

Im glad that WWE is giving the Divas some time on the big stage. Everyone knew that the Diva’s would get a match. I was hoping for a good title defense for Beth, but this will do. I don’t like that they just threw it together. However, they have Maria Manounos helping out, so maybe it will get a small amount of extra viewers for that. Have to get the word out as best you can. 

This match has no real heat behind it, and therefore will have no big interest. I'm not too sure where the Eve angle is going so maybe that will play out some more here. Unfortunately, real world issues got in the way of the Wrestlemania dream match Beth vs Kharma. I hope that Kharma can get her life back together after what happened. This will probably be the bathroom break match, it’s not fair, but it’s how it will be placed on the card and how fans will treat it.

My Prediction: Beth and EVE win by some underhanded trick, hopefully giving one of them some momentum going into the post Wrestlemania world. I will probably come out wrong here, but this is how I feel.

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