Friday, March 16, 2012

My adventure into TNA Impact

Unfortunately, I decided I would try to watch TNA this week. I did not succeed

I started my pre-TNA process by beating up thugs as Batman:Side not this was a good bit of fun and I figured out the big head cheat-neat but silly, although I have to admit beating up giant headed thugs with giant fists was more fun than it should have been.

 Lets see what I saw shall we...

I like Cristy Hemme as a ring announcer, her cleavage does wonders for her, and hopefully that keeps her out of the ring.

So anyway I came into the show before a match happened,I think. Actually i bothered to look and i missed the first match, which was a women's match. Darn I hear they do that well there. any way.

Note-whether it is camera angles or the size of the venue- TNA's ring looks small, even with the femal wrestlers in it it looks small. At least it's 4 sided so that no one will notice them anymore. 6 sides was neat, and made for a different product, moving on...

Match i saw- Crimson vs Samoa Joe-(Crimson was announced as undefeated therefore I knew the result of the match before it began) I was expecting something good, since Joe was in the ring, I remember watching him a few years back and thought "hey he is a big guy who does small guy things" Well he sorta did that. I really don't recall anything interesting in the match, except Joe did a neat reversal to the old dive onto someone in the corner thing, he just caught Crimson and threw him down. Neat. They ended the match with a distracted Joe getting speared, and pinned.

 Things I didn't like: 1. they did not show Crimson's spear. 2. Joe just sorta rolled and stood up like he wasn't just pinned after a finishing move. If he can roll up and look angry after getting a move with a 3 second break, theatrically he should have been able to break the pin.

3. "Knockouts" match Micky James vs Gail Kim. Um this was probably the best women's match I have seen in several months or years, and it was just on TNA's tv show. Lots of good spots, and the girls doing move that people of their size should do, no stupid hair pulling, or crazy hurricanrana's or sexy posing for the sake of sexy posing. These two went out and had a match, as two female competitors. Good job to the both of you, Im so glad that you found a company that gives you the time and trusts you to have a good match. And on top of that neither of them looked to be associated, in a relationship, or currently trying to steal: a male wrestler. Crazy how that can work if you try...WWE should try to get back to this, but that's a battle I cant fight, and even if a could I probably wouldn't win anyway. Gail won by being a good heel.
I didn't really dislike anything here

Promos- I saw Kurt Angle give the worst promo I have seen him do, EVER. "Its Real its damn real" man that's lame, and you need a new catch phrase, it was kinda gimmicky in WWE when it was "true" and not "real" so move on Kurt, go back to being awesome.

Shaky creeper Cam of guy with beard, and lady who sounds like she smokes too much. Apparently Beard man asked Smoker Girl to marry him, shaky creeper cam finds them discussing things, apparently they want to get married in the ring (o no an in ring wedding)

another seeming shaky creeper cam of Sting talking about something...
A build up of Mr Anderson(Mr Kennedy from WWE) to fight Christopher Daniels

And then I saw something that looked like this...
What the hell is that? Doink the Clown? Some horrible comic book villain? No apparently that is how Sting presents himself these days. 
This is crap, no this isn't crap, this is embarrassing and insulting to me.

I watched WCW as a kid, Im glad because I was able to see Chris Jericho before he was Y2J, and according to his book I loved watching him because he did whatever he wanted, except for having getting over in booking thanks to Nash and the gang. I also got to see Beniot(who is buried and technically doesn't exist anymore) Eddy Guerrero, Chavo, Rey Mysterio, Dean Malenko, Booker T, and Goldberg in his prime, you know before he had to wrestle or anything WWE sometimes expects. I also got to see Sting in his glory days, white and black, red and white whatever, he was usually a serious character. Now it looks like he has decided to just do whatever. I don't watch TNA so maybe i missed this great character turn.

This would be like The Undertaker, changing his gimmick to a happy go lucky surfer dude. He tried American Badass, and that worked. Because people are afraid of evil Bikers, it works. No one wants to fight a strange Doink the Clown version of Sting.

It was at this point I stopped watching or caring what happened on TNA anymore... Though I may very well tune in to see the the womens matches if i remember to.

I changed the channel

Please friends, unless you want to see really well thought out and athletic Womens matches, don't watch TNA. Im sure the mens matches are good, but I didn't really care to see the guys who either can't/didn't/decided not to/haven't had the chance/or chose not to make it in WWE. 
WWE is the NFL to TNA's Arena football League, and if it were made by what I liked it would be the Lingerie Football League(With better costumes I guess), (dont watch this either, it gets old after you realize its just women playing football, a novelty that is fun, but it gets old when you don't care who wins or loses, same reason I don't watch NFL beyond the Super bowl, or the occasional game)

Do I think I may have not given it much credit since i don't know the stars and whatnot? No. A Wrestling show should be able draw a new viewer, or at least impress them a little. which it did, only not with the people it wanted to.

So for those of you who watch or have ever wanted to watch TNA, stop what you are doing, buy Arkham City and beat up thugs as batman. (or catwoman if you like) you will feel better, and be entertained, and that's what wrestling is about anyway.

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