Wednesday, May 2, 2012

CSW 5/2/2012

Well I havent written about wrestling in a while, WrestleMania was fun, I would love to review it, but it’s a month ago.
Ok ill give one sentence reviews of each match from Wrestlemania 28

Rock v Cena-All I can say was that Cena and Rock delivered, false finishes and exciting match dynamics. If it were not for Taker HHH this would have been the best match of the night.

HHH v The Undertaker- This was by far the best match of the night, not in the technical side but just on the general emotional feel and grandness, and really that’s what wrestling is all about.

CM Punk v Chris Jericho- Had it not been for the two previous matches, this would have been the best, a great match by two very good wrestlers.

Sheamus v Daniel bryan- 18 seconds, really that was a travesty, especially since they tore the house down at Extreme rules.

Big Show v Cody Rhodes- Good match, Cody never had a chance to win , and they did their best I must say.

Team Johhny v Team Teddy-Yeah everyone saw this coming, it so many guys in it that it was difficult to pay attention, that and I didn’t care too much, but good match considering that.

Randy Orton v Kane- Better than I expected, and had a great false ending, I just knew it was going to be a super RKO, thanks for surprising me WWE.
The divas match- That’s all they get since they were irrelevant-good enough match for a celebrity lady with broken ribs.

On to Extreme Rules- if you did not watch it, you missed a pretty good show, considering how good Wrestlemania was.

Brock Lesnar v John Cena- Ugg this match was brutal to watch. After we saw two great matches, Brock beat up Cena for like 10 minutes, then Cena won. 10 years ago this match would have not been stopped to stop Cena’s bleeding, but this is a new era so can’t complain about that.  I liked the ending, I don’t care who wins or loses, what I did see was Brock Lesnar seemingly try to legitimately hurt Cena, not sure if he did, but that’s the way it looked. Brock pummeling Cena was like watching a 10 minute squash match, dull there is a reason why squash matches last only about a minute. Cena’s win with the chain, and AA on the steps, I liked it. Ok match overall.

Daniel Bryan v Sheamus- O man was this one good, Bryan made the world belive he could beat Sheamus legitimately, and he had the Chicago crown frimly behind him the whole time. YES chants echoed all through the match, he even had the stadium chanting YES for like a minute while Sheamus woke up from the YES lock. The ending was a little too abrupt, but overall great match, wish WrestleMania could have been this good. But WWE likes to tease things just to get fans riled up, so maybe it worked.

Chris Jericho v Cm Punk- Another good match, once again they were outshined by another match, but only because of general match intensity. The crowd was into this the whole time. I really thought Jericho was going to win, I really did. They pulled off a great match and kept me entertained and guessing every step of the way.

Cody Rhodes v Big Show-decent enough match, but it was all made better by the way Show lost. His face and reaction was great.

Layla v The Bellas- eh good match all things considering, the only problem is that no one cared that Layla was there. Poor girl. The crowd wanted Kharma, so did I.

Randy Orton v Kane- eh falls count anywhere, fun for people in the stadium, not so great for TV viewers. Call me crazy but I don’t think Zack Ryder was supposed to be in this. I think Orton and Kane came into the viewing area and Ryder realized Oh crap now I’m on screen and I have a reason to be mad at Kane. Kane Jerry no-sold for Ryder’s miserable punches, shows how much that feud idea even matters. Who knows? Any way not that entertaining until it got back to the ring, decent enough to kill a pretty boring feud.
Extreme rules was good because of its main event level matches, there really were not any midcard matches, this is not good considering how good the talent is at that level. O well, there is always the next ppv.